Sunday, November 28, 2010

The City of Lights

From my tower of solitude
I look at the city of lights…

Bright, vibrant and colourful,
a pure amalgamation of hues;

Like thousand precious stones glistening
under the midnight sky.
Tempting my heart, teasing my soul
like a hundred elusive lies.

Inviting me to join them, or maybe jesting
at my self-enforced exile.

The lights tease me again,
asking me, about the one I love.
Like a distant memory she seems to me now,
and I know not, if it was ever real.

I see a stranger
walking on the street with her lover;
a happy couple they are
and have not a worry in the world.

What is this feeling,
that I sense building in me?
Is it love for her? The Stranger?
Or is it jealousy?

Is that Stranger a reminiscence of my past days?
Or does her beauty deceive my eyes?

The lights ask again,
What I could do to return to her?
I could cross the skies,
the seven seas, if only she calls for me...

Until then, I gaze at the night sky,
the moon and the stars.

And from my tower of solitude,
I look at the city of lights…


  1. This is the best one you've written so far. Well, atleast according to my eyes and senses.

    Love is too cool an emotion is it not? :D

  2. Once again, imagery. I can imagine you on this tower of solitude... Against the searing breeze in the middle of nowhere. And reminded me of U2's song 'City of Blinding Lights' But that's just due to the title.

  3. THATS AMAZING! Pico dada, you're an ace poet, it's deep, touching and well-written! :)

  4. somethng that touches d heart.... beautiful composition proshant:) - mrunmayee

  5. @josu: too cool and to confusing! maybe that's why it makes an interesting theme for poems!
    @MrNarci: damn, I wish I could be somewhere like personal retreat; away from the world...!
    @imone: thanks sweetie! I shall keep writing!
    @Mrunmayee: thanks..!
